Terms & Conditions


You can request the price of the designs you need using our instant quote application (https://agalicegames.com/i-need-a-design/). The App’s value estimates the cost of the designs based on the data you provide. Once we receive your data, we will send you a formal quote with the final price, delivery time, and payment method to your email.

The estimate is a service offer that does not imply any obligation to purchase for the applicant.


If the price and delivery time are favorable and convenient for you, you can order the design work by pressing the “ORDER NOW” button.

After a few minutes, you will receive a query on additional data in your email to determine your preferences on style, color, expressions, and other details necessary to customize your design.

Once the preferences and details have been agreed upon with the client, we will send the purchase order with the PayPal payment button to cancel the initial payment and begin the design work.


The review allows the client’s inspection to verify compliance with his preferences in work presented, and he has the right to make the changes he deems necessary, as long as they are related to the original idea. For example, we cannot exchange a pit bull pet for a chihuahua; because although the two cases refer to dogs, the concepts are very different.

The number of reviews can be from one to three. The number is determined by the extent and complexity of the design and is defined in negotiation.

Any additional revisions to those agreed will have an additional cost. Likewise, once the design is approved, the balance paid, and the files received by the client, any adjustment or addition will generate an additional charge.

Delivery times.

The length and complexity of the design determine the delivery time and are defined at the time of negotiation. We will send the files in high-resolution .jpg or .png formats to the customer’s email inbox.


We receive payments in US dollars, only through the Paypal platform.

To start the work, the client must pay 50% of the value of the design plus the PayPal commission fee.

After the design work is approved, you must pay the 50% balance plus the PayPal commission fee.

After the cancellation is confirmed, the files will be sent to the customer’s electronic mailbox.

In cases where the client does not pay the balance, the designer (AG AliceGames) will have the right to dispose of the designs to modify or use them for any purpose through any means.


Our designs are works of digital content, elaborated under instructions adjusted to the idea and particular concepts of the client. Each digital piece designed is of exclusive interest to whoever authorizes it. In addition, the contract’s terms and conditions include the client’s right to request the changes that he deems necessary through the agreed revisions.
We will not make refunds in cases in which, after the process, the client decides to breach the contract due to changes of opinion or disinterest in their commitment.


All design works are legally protected by copyright (https://www.wipo.int/copyright/en/). The designs made by AG AliceGames for its clients are licensed for use exclusively restricted to publication in broadcasts on video game platforms. To give it a different destination (printing T-shirts, for example), the client must request an express license from the designer to not infringe the intellectual rights of the work.